How to Increase Website Rankings via SEO by keyword research?

If you use your keywords in proper way, your website not only get high rankings but the visits in your website will be increased. With using appropriate keywords on your website, people not only get you and make you popular but they also find convenience to use your products. Here are the tips to increase page ranks with keyword research.

Understand the keywords : The keywords are nothing more than words or phrases used widely by web surfers to find relevant information from the search engines. The SEO ranking of website can greatly be improved by knowing the value of keywords.

Pick the keywords related to your site and widely used : Apart from the content of your website, the keyword density is also considered by SEO. You can easily know about your relevant keyword like number of times the specific keyword is searched from Google Adwords.

Pick beneficial keywords : You can get a huge traffic with profitable keywords with higher conversion rates.

Eliminate competition : Keep looking at your profitable keyword but eliminate those keywords which have higher competition because they can hardly increase your website’s page rank. Make sure the keywords are from your profitable keywords listing.

Add keywords at the beginning and end of your articles and make sure to include these keywords on your page titles, tags and other valued contents of webpage. When it comes to name images, you can also keep these keywords in mind.


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